Our Story

House to House Church was planted by “accident.” No, we are not the result of great planning, sophistication, or lots of money. House to House began with simple hearts for worship and loving people. In May of 2020, a few friends gathered in a living room to worship together as COVID had shut down many local area churches. We fully expected things to be “back to normal” in several weeks. However, several surprising things began to happen. First, and most obviously, churches did not open back up. This kept us looking for what God was doing during unprecedented times. We had hope that God is never surprised and good things would happen if we only stayed close to Him. Second, no surprise, the Holy Spirit kept moving! While we didn’t advertise, promote, or decide to plant a church (initially), we began to see God add to our living room gathering.  At times we had people join us after receiving prayer at Fred Meyer or the car dealership. Other times, people would bring friends. In most cases, the Holy Spirit would touch them and us as we gathered! In fact, in our first year, we baptized 8 people in a 25 person community! Ironically, we still didn’t have a church name! Third and finally, we realized that God was planting a church.  We noticed that the important people in our lives (including our previous pastors) were encouraging us that God was up to something. We went back and reviewed past prophetic words we had received. In fact, our founders John and Amy had received a prophetic word in a meeting 3 years earlier that they would be leaders in a house church movement. While they were involved in ministry (they had founded Workers for Joy), they had never held a meeting in their home until this point. After praying and inviting the core community to journey with them, House to House Church was born.

Today, we are a growing community of people who love God’s presence. We seek to know Him through worship that is full of humility and passion. We are a hopeful people. We expect Him to move! We expect to experience Him and enjoy Him! We receive His gifts and ministry by the Holy Spirit. In this atmosphere of spiritual intimacy, we find our hearts full for each other. We often spend time listening, caring, praying for each other. We expect to be knit together in love.  We hold weekly meetings in several homes around the greater Portland area and gather all together in a larger venue once a month. We are practicing being the church, not just going to church!