What is house church?

House church is simply a group of Christians gathering in a home for prayer, worship, fellowship, and bible teaching; rather than a traditional church building. This form of church started in the book of Acts and is still the most common type of church around the world today! While meeting in a home is not necessarily better or worse than meeting in a larger building, we believe connecting regularly in a more intimate setting with friends, family, and fellow believers has some benefits. First, it is conducive to building joy. When we say “joy”, we mean the peace and wholeness that comes from getting into right, healthy relationship with God and the important people in your life. Yes, we believe joy is relational! House church can be an ideal green house for incubating seeds of relational health and joy. Second, smaller communities are able to facilitate practicing the expression of individual gifts. At House to House Church we believe part of relational health is learning who you are, and who your God-given gifts are intended to serve! One simple way we explore this value is that we often give time for different people to share in a service.  For each of us as individuals, practicing ways to bring our voice to the table grows both our relationships, and our awareness of how God uses us in His kingdom.  In a similar regard, we also work in teams to plan services and special events. This planning is a formal acknowledgement of the capacity of every believer to influence the body. The last benefit of house church we will discuss is flexibility.  Less formal ways of doing church allow space for the spontaneity of the Holy Spirit. We build our services and our culture around connection with God and each other.  We love God’s presence and God is invited to church with us! This space that is made available is our “secret sauce.” We love it when God shows up and changes us. If all of this sounds different, perhaps it is! But we believe it is also safe and healthy for us too. If you worship with us you can expect that you will have the opportunity to connect with God… your true self… and others… and this, we believe, is worth pursing!

For additional reading we recommend the following article:


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